Monday, November 14, 2005

Why I hate working from home!

The day starts with my brother taking priority in almost everything from brushing his teeth to reading newspaper to having a bath. When he leaves for office, I'm forced to keep waiting so that I can immediately attend to my maid at the door, lest she has an easy excuse to skip that day's work! "Oh, I came mam, but you dint open the door!" Grrrr! The maid again takes priority in occupying my bathroom...oh, poor me!! :-(
By the time everyone leave me alone, I get too late that I sit with my laptop and start checking mails (I strictly mean office mails) and do work (Again I strictly mean office work). Before I finish my first round of routine work, it's already time I started thinking about lunch- waaaaaaait, I was saying I had to plan on what to prepare for my lunch. Cooking is another big task...hmmm! Then I would have my lunch and feel so heavy that I cant take a bath immediately afterwards either! Here, it becomes too cold in the evenings that any possibility of a bath then is totally ruled out! And my day ends without a bath!!

Oh, how I hate working from home!!


At 10:32 PM, November 14, 2005, Blogger Krish said...

I know how u feel "working" from office...cant help..think of the countless lives that u save by staying away from ofice..that should cheer u up!

At 10:35 PM, November 14, 2005, Blogger Skely said...

And what about the timepass calls you make and the timepass articles you write and the timepass blogs you read and the timepass daydreaming...

All of the above done during PEAK office hours..

BTW the company should hate you for working from home..

At 11:40 PM, November 14, 2005, Blogger DD said...

Krish, thanks! that sure seems a good reason for cheer... especially for someone who's so kindhearted like me! :P

Skely, my office is the one thats forcing me to work from home. They have even seized my desk and put some other female to work amidst all those wonderful fotos and greetings and handwork and notes that I had, decorating my desk... ohhhhh!!
btw, doing all timepass from office is the real fun. what say? ;-)

At 1:33 PM, November 15, 2005, Blogger abc said...

Oh God I had seen people hurrying up to office and not takinng bath..but otherway..
Are you really missing office so badly or ..... doing some show offs in the office like bringing own lunch box, but we never really got a chance to know how tasty the food inside was -:)

At 10:54 PM, November 15, 2005, Blogger DD said...

Hey prof, havnt you heard that there are different paths to same destination? It's like that... people have different reasons to do the same thing! ;)
How my food tasted? Ask those who, with great difficulty, shared *my food with me*!!


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